The members of the Manu Robles-Arangiz Institute and the ELA union have made a humour action in Bilbao on Thursday, with the Iberdrola Tower on the horizon. Elegantly dressed, they have "celebrated" the arrival of European funds, dancing a well-known Spanish song by Eurovision, in the vicinity of a coffin.
As you have explained, this "gift" is going to be, at the same time, "our grave", as its funds will be "absolutely conditioned" and will allow, among other things, to reform pensions and to maintain the Spanish labour reform of Mariano Rajoy. "If the money comes, it will be for big companies and big projects. European funds are a little more in this model that has brought us to the emergency. The Next Generation gift is a coffin for future generations."
Abrupt closure of the grant window for energy-saving construction works in homes. Imagine the anger of those left in the queue. Architects, builders, community managers, neighbours… The call for proposals was in force until November, but recently the Basque Government... [+]
Nicola Scherer (Munich, 1984) Kataluniako Observatori del Deute en la Globalització (Zorraren Behatokia Globalizazioan) erakundeko ikertzailea eta Open Generation EU taldeko kidea da eta Kapitalari Planto! plataformak ekainean aurkeztu zuen Europako berreskuratze-funtsak:... [+]
This is what the most ambitious programme of public debt has been in the plans, which will distribute equal shares of grants and loans worth EUR 750,000 million over the next 7 years. Alongside the revival of Europe, it aims to promote a greener economy (energy transition) and... [+]