On Wednesday in Brussels, the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, presented the report for a safe winter saving gas. The report comes after several days of disruption of Russia’s gas supply to the EU as a result of a breakdown in the Nord Stream 1 pipe. Von der Leyen has assured that Russia is using energy as a weapon, and that Europe must be prepared “even if the interruptions are total or partial”. None of the consequences of EU decisions to fuel war, or of other policies that can be developed for the future.
Voluntary or forced reduction
Brussels has asked Member States to reduce gas consumption by 15% from 1 August to 31 March, determining that measures should be taken by citizens, industry and public institutions. Member States should submit their consumption reduction plans and report to Brussels on a bi-monthly basis on their progress. The restriction would in principle be voluntary, but the European Commission has proposed to amend the rules in order to have powers of coercion from States in the event of an “alert” situation being imposed.
Solidarity among States
The plan presented by Brussels urges the Member States to act in solidarity with each other, as the dependence on Russian gas is different. Germany is one of the most dependent countries. It remains to be seen how the Member States will receive the European Commission’s proposal. The Spanish Government is against publication of the plan within a few hours. Teresa Ribera, Vice-President of the Spanish Government and Minister for Ecological Transition, said that the proposal is neither the “best” nor the “most effective”: “Spain is a country of solidarity, but we must succeed in the best way to help the EU countries that depend on Russian gas. Our industrialists and our consumers must not withstand the security of supply that they have been paying for years."
Combating the ecological transition
“Renewable energy must be prioritised, but it may be necessary to take advantage of coal, oil or nuclear energy for a while,” the European Commission’s report states. What is more, the committee recommends delaying the planned closures of nuclear power stations. The Commission’s position has aroused criticism. Greenpeace, for example, has denounced that the report “focuses too much on facilitating the return to sources of dirty fuels, such as oil or carbon, as well as securing money for industry.”
Espainiako Estatuko zentral nuklearrak itxi ez daitezen aktoreen presioak gora jarraitzen du. Otsailaren 12an Espainiako Kongresuak itxi beharreko zentral nuklearrak ez ixteko eskatu zion Espainiako Gobernuari, eta orain berdin egin dute Endesak eta Iberdrolak.
The Centre Tricontinental has described the historical resistance of the Congolese in the dossier The Congolese Fight for Their Own Wealth (the Congolese people struggle for their wealth) (July 2024, No. 77). During the colonialism, the panic among the peasants by the Force... [+]
The update of the Navarra Energy Plan goes unnoticed. The Government of Navarre made this public and, at the end of the period for the submission of claims, no government official has explained to us what their proposals are to the citizens.
The reading of the documentation... [+]
Environmental activist Mikel Álvarez has produced an exhaustive critical report on the wind macro-power plants that Repsol and Endesa intend to build in the vicinity of Arano and Hernani of the region. In his opinion, this is "the largest infrastructure of this kind that is... [+]
Recently we have had other arguments to convince us of the need for macro-projects in the surroundings of Euskal Herria. An example of this was the article published on the website of the EHNE of Bizkaia to one of the participants of the Ecosocial Jump initiative: "For... [+]
On 3 September the Official Bulletin of Navarre published the announcement by the Government of Navarre announcing the update of the Navarre Energy Plan. This should be an important step for the future of our community, taking into account the importance of energy and its use... [+]