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European Central Bank announces "structural reforms" to meet defence spending

  • Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the European Central Bank, spoke in Barcelona of the European "threats": "We have to talk again about structural reforms".

15 March 2024 - 11:13

Like other authorities in recent weeks, the heads of the ECB have talked about the need to increase spending on the arms industry and to dismantle it.

Luis de Guindos, former Spanish Minister of Economy and vice-president of the ECB, visited Barcelona to participate in the Avant-garde Forum of the Godó business group, and made significant statements: "The world is changing and we have heard threats", he said in his speech, and consequently Europe "must spend more on defence, that is evidence".

In its view, the EU must be able to "defend itself" and, without naming it, has highlighted the statements of US President candidate Donald Trump. Trump said he will not support NATO European countries against Russia if they do not spend more than 2% of their Gross Domestic Product on weapons.

Thus, the ECB’s authority has announced ‘structural reforms’ to reduce public deficit and public debt, but also to increase military spending. Remember that in September countries will have to submit their own tax policy programmes and that the European Commission will have to analyse these "tax adjustments".

The Avant-garde Forum has a number of sponsors, including Indra, one of the largest arms industry companies in the Spanish state.

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