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Euro 2021 Bilbao: Free public transport for amateurs, 95 concrete counter-terrorism fences...

  • The City Council of Bilbao has designed a "Security Plan" on the occasion of the celebration in San Mamés of several matches of the Euro 2021 football championship. For example, in the city streets "95 counter-terrorist fences" will be installed, formed by concrete blocks. The aim is to prevent attacks of up to seven tonnes of lorries in the area, remembering what happened in Barcelona or Nice.

30 September 2020 - 11:03

On the other hand, football fans attending the matches on 14, 19, 23 and 27 June, including the defenders of the Spanish national team, will be able to travel free of charge by public transport. The tourism services company Bilbao Siglo XXI will enable the logistics necessary for thousands of tickets, among others, to travel to the football field at no cost to travellers, both by subway and bus.

In addition to the hobby, 900 volunteers will be able to travel for free. What less, given that the work will be free for UEFA, as Eragin Kolektiboa recalled, in a statement. He also recalled the tax advantages that UEFA will have in the last fiscal year.

You are interested in the channel: Eurokopa 2020
2021-04-22 | Ixone Arana
The Euro Cup will not be played in Bilbao
The Spanish Real Football Federation has decided not to play in San Mamés the match of the 2010 Euro Cup. The matches that were played in San Mamés will be played in the Cartuja de Sevilla.

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2021-04-11 | Mikel Eizagirre
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“Eurocopa honi ez” mobilizazio nazionala Bilbon, apirilaren 10ean

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“Eurokopa honi ez!” aldarria Bilbao International Football Summit jardunaldietan

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2020-01-23 | Jon Torner Zabala
Eurokopa honi ez!: Manifestazio eta topaketa nazionalak

Eurocopa honi ez! kolektiboak deituta, Bilbon ere jokatuko den futbol txapelketaren aurkako manifestazio nazionala egingo da martxoaren 28an Bizkaiko hiriburuan, Zabalburu plazatik abiatuta; eta bi aste lehenago, 14an, Etxean jokatzen dugulako topaketa nazionala hartuko du... [+]

2019-12-18 | Jon Torner Zabala
No, it's not just a sports event.

The Spanish men’s football team, for the first time since 1967 in the Basque Country, will play three Euro 2020 matches at the stadium in San Mamés. “In 2014 we presented the candidature of the City of Bilbao, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Basque Government,... [+]

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Markos Lezaun (Eurocopa Honi EZ)
“Gizartearen esparru guztietan kapitalaren eraso bat da”

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Jaurlaritzak “normaltasun” irudia eman nahi du, Espainiako gizonezkoen futbol selekzioak Euskal Herrian jokatu arren

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Espainiako gizonezkoen futbol selekzioak hiru partida jokatuko ditu San Mamesen 2020ko Eurokopan

Bilboko futbol zelaia Espainiako selekzioak etxeko talde gisa jokatzen duen aldiro erabiliko dute. Ez da egoitza bakarra izango, izan ere 2020ko txapelketako partidak Europa osoko zelaietan jokatuko dira.

2019-10-10 |
Solokoetxe Institutuan EuroCopa 2020an bolondres moduan lan egiteko eskuorriak banatu dituztela salatu dute ikasleek

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2019-10-08 |
Bilboko Solokoetxe institutuan 2020ko Eurokopan bolondres lan egiteko eskuorriak banatu dituztela salatu dute ikasleek

Bilboko Solokoetxeko ikasleek EuroCopa 2020an lan bolondresak egiteko eskuorriak eta gutunak banatu dizkietela salatu dute. Ekimenak sustatzen duen lan prekarioaren aurrean, "esklabo" izateko asmorik ez dutela adierazi dute.

2020ko Eurokopan jardungo duten enpresek ez dutela zergarik ordainduko salatu du Eragin Bilbok

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Eguneraketa berriak daude