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"This Euro Cup is not. Stop."

  • On Saturday 10 April, at 11:00 a.m., construction of the security fence of the hypothetical Euro Cup in the atrium of the San Mamés stadium. A platform material sales post. Over the course of the minutes, groups of young people have been gathering together in the streets, bars and cafés surrounding the countryside. It is now 12:00 hours, and there are already thousands of people, too many in a messy way, so that there are no incidents. The organizers of the demonstration have displayed a banner in which they could read: "No to this Euro Cup, let's stop", at the height of Felipe Serrate Street.
Jende mordoa bildu du Bilboko manifestazioak / 'Gedar'

11 April 2021 - 15:11

The demonstration started with screams against the football tournament, at the height of Avenida Sabino Arana. The Ertzaintza, escorted by three furgons, has reached the roundabout of the Sacred Heart and has headed to the right, towards Calle Mayor. People who come in and out of the shops are staring at the noisy mobilization. Throughout the tour, the members of the group are kept in the flares, fumata and orange banderoles of the platform. After a few minutes, they have arrived at Plaza Moyua, shouting “to end Spain” and “to stay with the workers’ organization”. A operator working in the construction of the Primark store rolls the multitudinous demonstration with a mobile phone aboard a scaffold. They've surrounded the square on the right to continue along the Gran Vía. Once in Abando, they have taken the road to Buenos Aires Street, where they have been trapped. There, in front of the Bilbao Court of Justice, the protesters have begun to shout "Justice for Iñigo! on the 9th anniversary of the death of Iñigo Cabacas.

The march has come in front of the City Council of Bilbao and the organizers have prepared a final meeting on the stairs, with the microphone in hand. Thus, they have explained the reading of the platform to thousands of people who have come to the appointment. In their view, the institutions of the Basque Autonomous Community are "grasping at any price" the objective of holding the Euro Cup in Bilbao. Policymakers have stressed that "a blind eye is being turned to the pandemic, the economic crisis and the loss of rights. The PNV, for example, has been accused of encouraging the "all for money" attitude as an autonomous and local driver of the gigantic sport initiative. In addition, the group denounces that the violation of civil and political freedoms that has taken place month by month has been "absolutely arbitrary": "Only in this way can we understand that the Euro Cup is played, but that the banning of meeting or curfew is maintained." Finally, they have warned that the fact that the Spanish teams play in Bilbao implies "deepening the Spanish retrograde project".

Also in Vitoria

The Alaveses have not been able to reach Bilbao because of the cut in mobility freedoms in the CAV and Navarre. Yes, the protest against the EURO has not crumbled. Dozens of people have gathered in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca with the same motto. Bans and worse than Bilbao, demands and critical readings have also been heard in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Prohibition in Pamplona

The Government Delegation in Navarra has banned the demonstration called for on 9 April in the Plaza del Castillo de Pamplona. Against this background, No to this Euro Cup has pointed out the following: “Under the excuse of the health situation, they continue to implement measures of a totalitarian nature, cutting back on political freedoms.” In addition, the platform has highlighted the contradictions of this decision: “The situation of the pandemic in Euskal Herria is good enough for 13,000 viewers to enter San Mamés, but it is too bad for political demands to be made.” Therefore, there have been no demonstrations in Navarre, although they have been convinced that they will continue to "spread their voices" in this protest. In addition, they have invited "to be attentive to mobilizations".

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