Where: Txosnagunea de Mendillorri (Pamplona), 9 September.
From the beginning I say that it was not the concert I expected or that I did not find at least the atmosphere I expected. Chill Mafia had been without concert for months and there was a desire. Throughout the afternoon there were two ghosts around the Txosnagunea of Mendillorri: 1) Will the rain stop? And 2), above all, will Kiliki appear? Finally, on Saturday night, a crowd gathered around the red runway. They had everything in favor: at home (in the neighborhood), fans from all over the Pamplona Basin and the sky that gave to the door. But I don't know what they didn't get right, or why they didn't get me hooked on the usual way.
The umbrella rose in her hand (Kiliki too) and Sara set up the chiringuite she had to cover the equipment. They started with a tuned young girl, she didn't know her, and she didn't hear too much. Then came Ben Yart and his always performative outfit, and less known songs of the group. Until then he said that we still had expectations high when he played the concert more.
A friend says it's not a txosner group. That in the end you need a good team, that spoils everything. Another told me that a person who doesn't know Ben Yart's songs can be made a heavy concert and prefers the concert when Ben Yarte gives it alone. I asked a third party for an opinion, and although I was a fan, he told me it was a bad concert.
The truth is that in the end we went under the tent to the outside because we did not get the site right (not so the kid who gave everything up in the tent mail). That also conditions how you experience a concert. The most well-known songs (Barkhatu, ay that emotion, 31014, Mañaneo, Coplas de la juventud current..) were left for the end and imagination, from the outside, was not collective ecstasy. They even demanded Jaleico again and again from above, which gave some sign.
They asked me what they were and what they've evolved in. Well, I'm not going to say it's a phenomenon that's been exhausted. There is no more to see how many people (very different) are able to add up. As all groups have good and bad boluses. A concert is also the result of many factors and on Saturday, for me, everything was favorable, but it was a chain of opposite agents. The rain did not stop Chill Mafia, but what a shame. I will have to keep the memory of the almost epic concert they gave in winter in the Central until the next.
Inoren Ero Ni + Lisabö
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