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You are interested in the channel: Aktualitatearen Gakoak 2021
2021-08-13 | June Fernández
Surveillance system
Conversion of poop into fertilizer
The pandemic has revealed, in all its crudeness, the consequences of the neoliberal model of care for the elderly, children and the population in a situation of dependency. Now is the time to consolidate the critical speeches and the Community alternatives that have been... [+]

Fuelling the road to sovereignty
In Euskal Herria we have many projects that work food and production from a transformative point of view, and form a network as diverse as consistent. We have turned to three projects that reflect this wealth to learn the ways they have sought to put this supposed utopia into... [+]

Self-management of health
COVID-19: Where are the prevention of health, sovereignty and sustainability?
We need new cartographies to make habitable lives for everyone. The foundations for the sustainability of life are in danger and, more than a time of change, what we are feeling in our bodies is a change of time. In this sense, the question is not whether or not we are going to... [+]

Energy communities in Navarra
Five small towns pulling energy in the transition
Two major phenomena are taking place, among others, around the energy transition we are experiencing: on the one hand, the second explosion of renewable energies, which we are working on number 2.731 of ARGIA, and on the other hand, the creation and development of the energy... [+]

2021-08-10 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Energy Communities
Real transformation... or business with public money
Now we all want an energy community in the village. Europe has opened the gap; Next aid has driven innovative formulas for rapid channelling of public money to private companies; and large engineering and energy companies with polluting practices have also launched a green... [+]

2021-08-10 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Hernani towards sovereignty through the energy community
Work is being done at Hernani to create an energy community. Since the design phase, various agents that will form the cooperative have participated: citizenship, associations, companies and city hall. After laying the foundations of the energy community and defining the first... [+]

Water route
Seven days and a map to learn not to lose what the water has given us
Water is the most valuable raw material we have to live with, and although in this brutal Basque Country we never miss it, the inadequate treatment of our streams, reservoirs and ponds or the management of them by the interested parties can cause them to have no tap drops in the... [+]

Concerning the reconciliation of sovereignties:
Sovereignty intersections in future cartographies
We need new cartographies to make habitable lives for everyone. The foundations for the sustainability of life are in danger and, more than a time of change, what we are feeling in our bodies is a change of time. In this sense, the question is not whether or not we are going to... [+]

2021-08-05 | ARGIA
From sovereignty to utopia

We live in dystopian times, why not? In 2019 we also lived in dystopia, even though we were accustomed to it – and although in this corner of our world dystopia is more vivifying to us, in exchange for making the spread of the world ever more uninhabitable. But since 2020,... [+]

2021-08-02 | ARGIA
Twelve audiovisuals to enjoy in 2021
Below are some of the audiovisuals that we recommend members of the ARGIA writing. In this article we have also recommended many other books.

2021-08-02 | ARGIA
Thirteen books to read in 2021
Here are some of the books that we recommend members of the ARGIA writing. In this other article we have also recommended other audiovisual media.

Technological sovereignty: To shake the consciences of dependency
The dependence we've created on some companies in the digital world has taken on a huge dimension: major social networks, message exchange services, most of the tools we have on the mobile phone ... This dependence, of course, has political consequences: censorship, control,... [+]

2021-08-02 | Axier Lopez
Onaro de Oñati
Capture the network without waiting for multinationals
By entering you will believe that at first glance you’ve met a company that offers Internet and phone services. Then you will be surprised with all the very simple and correct information, no worries or words. That prices are cheaper than those of multinationals will... [+]

A right converted into merchandise
Sovereignty and housing. Here are two terms that, here and now, can be considered almost antagonistic. Housing, together with its character of refuge and place of rest, needs its own space for mutual care and to carry out its life project, as it takes the form of merchandise in... [+]

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