The Government has announced that it will grant a further three-month period to measures to make the effects of the Ukrainian war more bearable. Breathing for those who can't survive. Or the time paid with public money to keep fighting for the control of global resources among the imperialists. Without diminishing the importance of the first option, feeding the disease and ensuring unlimited regeneration of the system will not solve anything, on the contrary.
In Navarra, despite the clashes between the members of the government, the housing law is about to be approved. It was approved in Madrid at the state level and for years the subjective right to housing has been recognized in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. Within this different regulatory framework, the evictions announced this week will be carried out. Laws have increased 35 per cent of rentals in San Sebastian, and lifelong indebtedness remains the main way to housing.
It is speculators who decide in practice where they will live in most towns and cities. And the answer is getting stronger. The struggle to create opportunities for a decent life project is consolidated, leaving mere survival behind. We need housing laws that tackle speculation with effective measures. Airbnb reportedly goes to court against the compensation law in the Northern Basque Country, as a sign that the measure taken makes it difficult for the right to housing to prevail over business. It is therefore possible to cope with the disease if we stop feeding vultures in cities!
Plataformak "atzerapausotzat" hartu du Eusko Jaurlaritzako Etxebizitza eta Hiri agendako sailburu Denis Itxasok berriki iragarri izana lurzoru urbanizagarrietako etxe babestuen proportzioa %75etik %60ra jaistea. Pradales agintera iritsi zenetik alokairu soziala eskatzen... [+]
Etxera itzuli ahal izan diren arren, joan den azaroan kaleratu zuten Astrabuduko familia berriz ere arriskuan dago. Uribe Kostako Etxebizitza Sindikatuak salatu du mailegu-enpresa berriz ere saiatzen ari dela kanporatzea gauzatzen, oraingoan, desokupazio-enpresa bat... [+]
Azken boladan gero eta gehiago entzuten dugu gazte askok etxebizitza erosteko ahalmenik ez dugula. Batzuetan, badirudi ez dagoela beste gairik; egia da gai serioa dela. Niri neuri ere, 31 gertu izan arren, oraindik pixka bat falta zait neurea izango den etxebizitza lortzeko... [+]
Azken egunak garrantzi handikoak izan dira Bartzelonan, etxebizitzaren aldeko mugimenduarentzat eta espekulatzaileen aurkako borrokarentzat. Urtarrilaren 28an, polizia-armada batek Raval auzoko Massana Zaharrari [zentro sozial okupatua] eraso egin zion goizaldean, aurrez abisatu... [+]