The radio station Bilbo Hiria started on Wednesdays with a virtual session of bertsos Potto, with the aim of expediting the confinement. In this Bilbo Hiria radio program you can hear the work done by the three bertsolaris: initial greetings, the theme, trades, the alone and the final layoffs. Several bertsos sent by Zenbat Gara members can also be heard.
This is the second part of the Bertso berriak Covid-19 program. On 23 March, the first of the four editions was played: Subai hill, Onintza Enbeita and Maite Sarasola. Here you're listening.
XV. Cup Championship
Where: In the gaztetxe Hiruputzu (Zarautz)
When: 22 December
Oblique: Aner Peritz, Oier Aizpurua, Alaia Martin, Jexux Mari Irazu, Etxahun Lekue, Aitor Bizkarra, Eneritz Artetxe, Maider Arrangi, Joanes Illarregi and Oihana Arana.
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Danel Goikolea Arrasateko bertsolaria urtarrilaren 14an joan da. Hil baino ordu batzuk lehenago, bertso sorta kantatu hau zabaldu zuen lagunen artean. Umore handia darabil eta Pablo Milanesen Yolanda kantu ezagunaren hoskidetasunarekin jolasten du: Holanda du izenburu sortak,... [+]