“In the case of our students, the Basque language is not a language to live in everyday life outside school; families with both Basque parents can be counted with one hand,” explains Julen Urkia, director of the Dunboa Public School. They have about 300 children and primary school students, with a family and a child from over 20 backgrounds. They see this diversity as an opportunity to spread Euskera at school and in the neighborhood.
Signs of shops and restaurants in Basque
For example, the students are translating to Euskera the signs of the neighborhood shops and the 6th have already euskaldunized the letters and posters of the fishery, fruit and restaurant Kebab. “We teach students to live in Euskera, but if in their daily reality they do not receive the linguistic landscape in Euskera, we find it very difficult to motivate them to do so, because they see that in their town and neighborhood the Basque country does not dominate,” Urkia tells us.
In addition, this dynamic has a second reading: “If the establishments have not opted for the use of the Basque language, it may be because nobody has helped them or nobody has encouraged them to do so, because when we have offered them to translate letters and posters they have been very well received and both they and the students have been very happy with the exchange”. Among them, the project has allowed the Euskaldunizar of the businesses of neighbors from abroad. “These neighborhood traders have needed a push to take the step, and the fact that the school and the school students have given it is great.”
The school is located in the center of the neighborhood, which gives it great value, as it allows them to introduce and strengthen the relationship between the school and the neighborhood, and organize numerous activities with the neighbors.
"These neighborhood merchants have needed a push to translate their posters into Euskera, and that momentum has been given by the school students is very important."
Grouping families
The Laguna Family programme has also been launched, for which the Elkarrekin cooperative is being implemented, with the aim of bringing new families from other countries into contact and meeting Euskaldunes with children of the same age. First, they have organized meetings at the school, because it is important to involve the educational community, and this year’s challenge is that three families from abroad meet with three other Basque families, “to make them feel more integrated and warmer among us.”
In the Dunbo de Irún they are strong to continue developing new actions and projects, “so that the whole community has a boost in its work of Euskaldunization”.
Nafarroa Beherean, Aiherrako 'Beltzegitea' etxean kokatuko da Eguzkilore haurtzain-etxe berria. Euskara, natura eta motrizitate librea oinarri harturik, heldu den apirilean hasiko dira zerbitzua eskaintzen.