Almost 98% of those interviewed by the Association of Household Employees have been women, 65% outside workers and 43% internal workers. 31% of inmates are not discharged from social security because they are in an irregular situation. Between 2017 and 2019 the percentage has risen by almost 15 points, while by 2020 it has increased by another 0.40 points. In the case of external personnel, 14% are in an irregular situation, almost 2 points higher than in 2019.
96% of interviewed inmates do not receive the minimum wage due to work hours. In 2020, the salary for the first 40 hours was EUR 1,108.33 and for each hour worked thereafter was EUR 7.43. 2.3% of the company's workers receive a salary below EUR 800 anuales.Por, so workers who work as residents of the household during the week do not pay their wages according to their working hours. On the other hand, many of them perform more than 40 hours a week and more than 60 hours a week. In the case of staff in irregular administrative situations, 83% work more than 60 hours per week.
Regarding breaks, 26.1% of workers have no choice to leave the house between weeks. 25% can perform more than two hours of rest and 45.7% have a daily rest of two hours.
1958an, emakume baserritarrek Donostiako Erdialdea hartu zuten, esnea saltzea galarazi zitzaiela salatu, eta baserritarren eskubideak aldarrikatzeko. Administrazioak esnearen esklusibotasuna Gurelesa enpresari eman zion, eta baserritarrek Bretxan saltzeari utzi behar izan... [+]
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