The Denon Bizitzak Erdigunea movement has called for a general feminist strike on 30 November. They will seek to change the surveillance system to address the “permanent abuse” denounced by domestic staff. The movement said in June that the decision to call a strike was a “turning point”: “Because changing the surveillance system is changing everything.”
The process aims to “advance towards a new culture of care”: “We must commit to more collective care. We believe that responsibility belongs to all, and that is related to the construction of a culture of care”.
The issue has been sponsored by the Association of Household Workers and Care of Álava AEZLE, Bidez Bide, Women of the World, Home Workers and Care of Navarra Thycna and Non-Domesticated Workers.
They denounce that the efforts of caregivers in current society are “undervalued” and “invisible”. Likewise, they indicate that this is directly related to the realization of these works by rationalized and precarized women. The general strike is perceived by workers as an “opportunity for reactivation”. They also consider that it will allow them to break with “roles and prejudices”.
Concrete demands
Among the agreed demands are the placement of domestic employment and care in the general social security system, the guarantee of labour inspection to ensure compliance with the recognized rights and the compilation of a census of the surveillance and economic contribution of migrant workers.
The movement has claimed that setting limits is “essential”: “Being cared for is a right and an obligation to care. Gender orders force us to take care of ourselves at different times in our lives and care remains a concern of women and feminism”.
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