The web was being generated in the later time, but due to the context caused by the appearance of the coronavirus, they have accelerated the process of development of the web. The collapse caused by the spread of the virus is leading to the dismissal of many household and care workers, which has increased the need for legal advice and knowledge of rights. Thus, the web has been launched earlier than planned by the Non-Governmental Development Organization (NGO) Mundubat and the Non-Domesticated Working Women, who created the web. The project has seen the light on the eve of International Domestic Worker Day (30 March). Household employees have explained that this is a web created for household employees.
“The health crisis caused by the coronavirus has once again shown that the domestic and care sector is abandoned when it comes to social and economic measures. Little has been said in recent days about the impact this pandemic has on these workers: unfair layoffs, scarce compensation, without the right to unemployment…”, the creators of the website said. They said that the Spanish Government had already spoken of the sector for the first time ten days after the state of alarm came into force, “as a result of the continuous demands of the movements and groups that support working women”.
The Spanish Government also announced that it will deal with financial aid for household workers who are left out of work as a result of the coronavirus situation in the case of workers receiving an ERTE. To do so, it is imperative that workers prove that the employer has dismissed or suspended them, something that most workers in the sector will not be able to do. “That means that 30% of the sector will be left out of this measure, because it is in an irregular administrative situation,” they stressed.
In view of this situation and in view of the fact that the context requires it, the website was launched, which was originally to be presented below: “ we want to give a collective response to an already unsustainable situation before this crisis. We were once in a situation of vulnerability and injustice, but this new situation has further revealed the violations of rights suffered by the sector.” Anyone who accesses the website will find varied material: different types of contracts and models for making payroll, summaries of laws that protect the rights of working people in the sector, material on feminist economy and care, news…
However, the free legal advice section is the “most innovative element” according to the creators. Workers will be able to transfer their doubts to ensure that their rights are being guaranteed.
In addition, a web-based survey has been launched. The objective is to know the impact that the crisis is having on home and care workers to make visible the situation of lack of protection suffered by the sector.
On 26 December, during an air strike, the Israeli Army killed five Palestinian journalists trying to reach the city. They killed 130 Palestinian journalists. This news has reminded me of a couple of things, the first, the persecution of true journalists in any part of the world,... [+]