Herranz is a Elementary School teacher and says that the formula that unites the school and the house serves many students, but not everyone, because the socioeconomic situation of each other in the house is very different, because the help, attitude and way of doing it are very different. Do not study at home or at home (private lessons?) says that the learning of those who do not have the right reinforcement is reduced and discouraged little by little, is falling further and further behind (in ARGIA we wrote a report on the imbalances and educational gaps generated by the situation of the house).
Thinking about them, the teacher changed the formula: the objective, that the learning process be delivered as much as possible in the teaching hours, managed and directed by the professor himself.
It recognizes that it is difficult, because you have to organize in class to work at different levels and rhythms according to the students, because you have to prepare different materials, prepare to dedicate more time, channel ways to help each other… “‘Because you don’t learn at home, I can’t do miracles in class’, that mentality is no longer worth, the goal is for all students to learn without being in charge.” To do so, he says that the areas of pedagogy, didactics, sociology and psychology have been very useful, and that there are no magic formulas, which are not always invented, "sometimes we do not manage to catch several students".
Not all students have been caught, but the experience has brought with it a reduction in the number of students who pass, in the number of students demotivated or with little expectation and self-esteem.
"In the end, you have to decide whether you want to give the entire resume in any way, or if you're going to work some parts more calmly, even if you leave other things out."
One of the main obstacles, lack of time
The professor says that limiting the learning process to school hours takes time to deliver the entire curriculum. "One of my biggest limitations is that, and in the end you have to decide whether you want to give the whole resume anyway, or whether you want to focus more on some parts and work more, calmly, even if you leave other things out." The subject opens the door to another debate: Do we have excessively long curricula full of educational content?
A father tells José Antonio Herranz that to encourage the habit of studying at home in Primary Education is not bad, because then in Compulsory Secondary Education they have to reinforce and deepen the school subjects at home, and because for those who have not done so before the cycle strike can be great. Herranz believes that learning first is more appropriate (and can be done in Primary) and then you can reinforce the habit of learning (in Secondary). In this sense, another father has set the example of Early Childhood Education: he says that young people learn many things in school and take great steps without having to do homework.
Professor José Antonio Herranz reports on his experience in this thread of chio.
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