"The Government shall take all measures to ensure that pupils, on an equal footing, have sufficient control over the effective use of the two official languages at the end of the compulsory education period". The current educational law? No. Law 10/1982 of the Basque Country, 41 years ago.
Moreover, the Government also has "measures aimed at making pupils familiar with the two official languages and adapting curricula". Also of Law 10/1982.
In the current Education Act, the Government has placed a level on this "real use" capacity: B2. That's innovation.
Despite the work of beliefs, the Education Bill includes:
Think about the miracle of the law: this year 4. The student who completes the ESO will get level B1; the student who completes next year, B2
In the draft bill we denounced the lack of external control. In the final text, "the teaching teams that assume the responsibility of students will evaluate the achievement of these minimum objectives". This remains the same in the project: "The education department will implement an effective monitoring system to improve the results of the evaluation and achieve the objectives set". There's something, it's not enough. On the one hand, because it is not external control and, on the other, because we should believe three things. The first is that what has not been done so far (checking that the students of Model B reached the level B1) will continue to do so. Secondly, the educational laws will comply with the measures in favor of the Basque country. Case! The government does not comply with Articles 27.1, 27.2, 27.3 of the Vocational Training Act of 2018, all measures in favor of teaching in Basque. Thirdly, we should believe that the centres that do not achieve the objective will require less English and more Basque. It also forces the business of the centers and the Vocento group.
In any case, it is very easy to avoid any doubt/mistrust. For general scheme education, it is sufficient that it be included in this same Law for special scheme teachings: Article 16, paragraph 3: "(…) The Department of Education shall regulate the characteristics of the assessment and approval tests for obtaining language knowledge certificates". Simple, of course, accurate.
In out-of-school activities, the focus should not be on publicly funded educational centres, but on all publicly funded sport, cultural and leisure activities.
On the other hand, on the subject of extracurricular activities that we inevitably need in Basque, the law focuses on the centers of Foko (lausoa): "In centers financed by public funds, the Basque country should, in general, be the expression of the activities that take place in the center itself". Expression in activities? The language of activities, right? And the focus should not be on publicly funded educational centers, but on all publicly funded sports, cultural and leisure activities.
What about teachers? There are changes. Of course they have removed the reference to level C1+ in Basque! Even collect in the law a level that is not certified!
But what they've done is as sad as it's clarifying, as it shows that the bill has been rushed and closed. Article 70 point 2: "The training of teachers will be promoted to achieve the C1 level of Euskera and the C1 level of English for English teachers".
Look! Is it not going to require C1 teachers in Euskera from now on? "Will teacher training be promoted to achieve the C1 level of Euskera (…)"? It then requires:
Teachers will be asked for the same level in our own and English language. In the Basque school focused on Euskera, will the Basque be aware so much?
Moreover, does it really want to establish in the law that a C1 level of Euskera will not be required? Does it intend to establish legally that training is not encouraged to reach a higher level than the previous one?
Teachers will be asked for the same level in our own and English language. In the Basque school focused on Euskera, will the Basque be aware so much?
Remember that all opposition to being a professor of the CAV can be done in Spanish, except in modern languages. That is, mathematics to teach in Basque (and physics, history, natural sciences, 1. Education…) the complete opposition can be made in Spanish, oral test and written test.
By the way, from now on, when the subjects begin to teach also in Spanish, the professor will speak to the students in Spanish and receive the answers in that language. Goodbye to the linguistic referentiality of teachers.
The law of coexistence is a miracle: students who until now finished ESO with B1 and finished high school B2. From now on, are you going to get B2 in ESO… and high school? It is not even mentioned in the law. If, following the current logic, B2 is admitted to ESO students, baccalaureate… C1. The same "promotionable" level for teachers. Or with high-school kids, will miraculous law not work? It is difficult to explain that students learn much more Basque in ESO, but that the students themselves do not learn Basque in high school.
To the Basque parliamentarians, therefore, the proposal:
Mikel Basabe Kortabarria, Professor
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