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Report on discrimination against homeless people at the door of Baiona City Hall

  • The Baiona Group protested tomorrow against the new tax ordinance adopted by Jean Rene Etxegarai and which it considers "discriminatory" towards the homeless. The local neighbours have also called to protest this afternoon about the same case being investigated by the police.
Argazkiak: @JulienDelion

24 September 2020 - 11:16

On Thursday morning nine people sat in front of the house of the town of Baiona, accompanied by teddy and real dogs. The action has been taken by the Baiona Group to denounce that the ordinance presented last week by Jean Rene Etxegarai, mayor of Baiona, is discriminatory with the homeless.

Through these measures, the “overoccupation” of the streets from 8 a.m. to midnight, sitting or lying in places where there is a “risk of hitting” pedestrians, gathering more than two dogs or putting on the street some artifacts such as food preparation artifacts or dog food containers.

In addition to denouncing that the measures are being called into question by the evicted, Bihar Baiona has denced that no debate has been held on these measures.

A protest will also be held on Thursday afternoon to condemn these measures, as a group of neighbours has called for a concentration at 16:30 in front of the town house under the slogan “Instead of fighting the poor, let us fight poverty!”. The intention is to be there until night.

You are interested in the channel: Diskriminazioa
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