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Cut the way to Desokuba in Bilbao with an organization for the right to housing and against fascism

  • The company, linked to the far right, had announced on Wednesday afternoon a eviction in the area, which has been suspended by the owner’s decision. The landlord has left behind last night after hundreds of citizens assured the fascists that their neighbours and their homes would be defended.
Asteartean egindako mobilizazioetako bat (Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea)

At noon on Wednesday he reported that the eviction announced by Desokupa in Bilbao will not take place. According to statements by the head of the company, Daniel Esteve, the reason why the eviction has been evicted is the eviction of the homeowner. Esteve has assured that the homeowner who has hired his services has been feared for possible incidents on the street. El Correo newspaper, for its part, states that the owners of the area have withdrawn for fear of possible retaliation.

The owner of the property, who has hired Desokupa, is delayed the day after the Old Town of Bilbao welcomed the claims against fascism and evictions. On Tuesday afternoon, when the outrage at the eviction of Arrakala was at all its peak and the eviction of Monday in Basurto, hundreds of people took to the streets to claim to the fascists the defense of the neighbors and their homes. On Wednesday, the day of the intervention announced by Desokupa, the day has dawned with a great police presence in Bilbao, where there were several furgons of the Ertzaintza.

Days on anti-fascist alert

Bilbao has been on anti-fascist alert for several days. After last week’s announcement that Esteve was on Wednesday in Bilbao, the residents began to spread the news and organize themselves before the visit of the far-right company. In the short term, the protocol drawn up with criteria for action in the event of an attempt to evict people went hand-in-hand. As the day of the announced intervention approaches, mobilizations and an anti-fascist breakfast have been organised on Wednesday morning.

The organisation of the population seems to have succeeded in curbing Desokupa’s intervention, even though the alert has not yet fallen.

Evictions do not stop

Despite the fact that unemployment has returned to normal levels, members of the Housing Union of the Casco Viejo AZET have warned that evictions will remain in place. According to the statements of Andrea, member of the union, of the Municipal Police of Bilbao after the eviction of Arrakala, "although we are satisfied with the response to the threats of Vacancy, we should focus the issue not so much on fascism vs. "We don't care about being a Nazis of Madrid or an Abertzale munipa, it is clear that they have the same objective, they produce private property before," he said,




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