The campaign was presented this Saturday by the Initiative for the Right to Housing and Social Exclusion of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Dozens of social, political and trade union movements in the city are represented in the initiative. At a press conference, representatives of the initiative have stated that there is an emergency housing situation. They claim that the situation was already serious before COVID-19 and that the arrival of the virus has only made the situation worse. The City Council and the employers are responsible for the situation: “Continue building large infrastructures and luxury homes, while homeless neighbors and homes without neighbours remain in our city
Table of claims
Four specific demands have been made. Firstly, the cessation of redundancies of all people, both during the state of alarm and after they have disappeared. They denounce that in Vitoria-Gasteiz the ban on evictions for homelessness has not been respected in all cases. The second point on the table is to treat housing as a right. To do so, they claim to expand the public housing stock for social rent, to legally limit the payment of the housing and to avoid any kind of discrimination based on race, gender, age or any other condition in the access to it. Thirdly, they have called for the basic elements of life to be guaranteed and to be public, such as water, electricity, gas or Internet access. Finally, they have pointed out that the City Hall is responsible for the fact that in Vitoria-Gasteiz there are no citizens living on the street and, instead of guaranteeing it, the municipal government PNV-PSE has further aggravated the situation of homeless people with its measures over the last year. As an example of this, they have set as an example the persecution of the neighbours of the okupada houses of Olarizu.
Reflection and struggle
The representatives of the initiative explained that these are "urgent" demands in a situation of "urgency", but that "we have to reflect, say and fight much more" on the road of housing as a business towards law. They have invited all the Vitorians and Gasteiztarras to participate in the final. “Within the framework of the dynamic that we are presenting today, we will carry out actions in the coming months to continue advancing our reflections and struggles. Pay attention, therefore, to the calls that we will organise from March.”
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