The Navarre network against poverty and social exclusion is 30 years old. In this sense, he organized a conference in Pamplona to deal with the exclusion of housing. The network has announced an increase in residential exclusion in Navarra. In addition, 17.2% of the people living in Navarra are in a situation of exclusion or poverty. Compared to last year, the figure has risen by 2.9%. “High prices worry us a lot because they have direct consequences on housing issues,” said Begoña Alfaro, Councillor for Housing, Youth and Migration Policies of the Government of Navarra.
He adds that “more dignified” housing is needed: “We see more and more families in a room or in homes that do not meet basic needs.”
Andrea Korea, President of the Network, stressed that housing policy measures must have a critical look: “We must take action against racist, xenophobic and retrophobic attitudes that people in situations of exclusion continually suffer.”
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