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The head of the Ertzaintza recognizes that he has "problems" inside the house

  • Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, for his part, recalled that the Ertzaintza needs "commitment, professionalism and respect": "If they are not met, it will hardly meet the objective that this society has set for them, to guarantee citizen security". On Monday morning the response of the Ertzaines who protest has come: They've linked Urkullu's words to "pride" and "pride."

05 June 2023 - 13:30
Last updated: 2023-06-06 10:00:25

At the annual award ceremony of twelve medals there have been less common word exchanges, the most important test of male cycling, the Tour de France, when it is barely a month to depart from Euskal Herria.

Josu Bujanda, head of the Ertzaintza, stressed that before, in the past, they had "the problem was" because they were insulted by saying "zipaios" and similar. Now he suggests that "the risk is inside": "Before the danger of changing our police model came from outside. Now we have it inside the house and we have to be clear if we want to maintain our police model."

The Lehendakari of the Basque Government, Iñigo Urkullu, has participated, as usual, in the act of recognition of Arkaute. Not to mention the group of Ertzainas which have never provoked discussions, remember: "Have the reasons for being ertzaines changed in recent years? Have feelings, values changed? (...) Commitment, professionalism and respect remain steps forward. These are three essential features of the Ertzaintza that I want to highlight. Because if they are not complied with, this institution, the Ertzaintza, will hardly meet the objective that this society has set for it: to guarantee citizen security".

On Monday morning there was a note from the Ertzaintza unions and the group of Ertzainas who protested at the "Ertzaintza struggle". Urkullu's words are a sign of "perversity", of "pride", and a "clear obvious intentionality" is perceived: "They declare war on the Ertzaines."

Demands and trams without major difficulties

A branch of the Ertzaintza, under the name of "Ertzainas in Struggle", has called in recent weeks several mobilizations to call for "better working conditions". The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 6 June, at the same time as the Governing Board, in the same place.

Among other things, this group, according to the note that brought the concrete demand that was made public in the networks and that was later eliminated (in this news that received El Correo en Castellano), claims that wages will be increased by 1,100 euros to begin with, that year after year will be increased in the CPI, that other measures will be taken to compensate for the loss of power of the last ten years, diets of 22 euros per day and a plus a 300 euros.

Protests and ways of defending themselves have proliferated in recent days. For example, last Thursday, taking advantage of the full day in the Gasteiz Parliament, dozens of people suspended the tram service in just over an hour. The Ertzaines who were in front of the demonstrators, who were working, responded to the action with their arms crossed and some applauded at the end. The following day, the Security Council announced at the parliamentary control session the opening of the dossiers. For the group of Ertzainas that protests the opening of "excessive" procedures, and there is "an institutional attack against them", they have denounced in the Basque Country.

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