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Sowing the future in the present

  • I was recently asked if I always write from sadness. Probably, in part, that's right. Maybe it's not a sadness, not always. Sometimes concern can be, other times angry or melancholy, sometimes suffocating... So I try to give light to the dark landscape, because there are things to enjoy and to feed.

06 November 2023 - 10:47

However, I cannot hide the fact that when we looked at the forest remotely, I was overwhelmed, especially in imagining the future of today’s young people and children, and that I find it hard to remember how beautiful are the delicious lilis that are born on the margins of the hayeds.

I think every single one of us, in its own way, is experiencing the concerns: the change we have imposed on the climate by dehumanized humanity. However, we always have the same mantra in the air: We cannot do anything and we must enjoy life! The law of survival requires us to do so. But isn't there a desire to deny the reality behind this? Don't we anesthetize the mantra?

Those who have a certain sensitivity to bitter reality and who through action allow their concern, we patalize it quickly. Eco-anxiety appears and it seems that the person who eats only organic food suffers from a eating disorder.

Where is the problem in life that turns its back on the climate situation every day or in participating in environmental or territorial advocacy groups to detect and mitigate the effects of climate change? Where is the problem in the naturalization of the consumption of foods raised with chemicals, antibiotics and oil or in the decision to eat healthy foods?

Of course, your obsession. We cannot punish ourselves over and over again. Because we are not all-powerful, because it is not our sole responsibility. A model of social organization guides our lives to be so. The information and protection of the group are key to channelling our concern and avoiding falling into the grip of despair.

I am also moved by a third party. Close and universal: the future of young people and children.

The calcination process of the planet cannot be considered natural, because it is not so, but the consequence of the suicidal life we have here and now. Unfortunately, before or after, here too will come the day of recording violent images, if we do not address reality and, finally, do not make decisions now and every day.

That is why we must be extremely demanding with the political and technical leaders. We must demand that they make decisions that provide a stimulating future for these young people and children. In our day to day, we have to be as consistent as possible with life, so as not to be an oven where we can foresee the young and childhood planet, where getting food is the whim of chaos.

I would like to see myself in the eyes of young people in the future, without being ashamed of the present.

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