This Friday, the ecologist group Sukar Horia will release the names of the winners of the storytelling and translation contests on future habitants. The awards will be delivered in a festive atmosphere and the Utopi performance can be seen before the final snack.
In total, 20 people have participated in the creation of stories and three others in the translation area. Organisers say that the objectives have been met: "We are very happy. There have been many people who have participated and who have drawn good futures. Some are in the change of an entire society, others in the change of a certain part of society, in this sense there is also a lot of plurality".
Despite the climate emergency and the systemic crisis, the story contest has been an exercise in imagining the stimulating pathways that we can open up from that day to day. This is how Yellow Fever explained the exercise: "It is an idea that has appeared in recent times: dystopia is very easy to imagine today and utopia hardly. Droughts, floods, rising temperatures, new diseases… are flying in our minds when referring to the ecological crisis, to the series and films we consume impulsively, and we find it hard to imagine the doors that open this new gap, as every crisis has done to us before: the eco-feminist ways of relating, the collectivization of resources, the just energy transition…"
Once the awards have been given, they want to spread the creations as much as possible. Bonds will be published via fanzine and will be available in paper format from Friday, the day on which videos can be downloaded. In addition to the texts, the fanzines created by Anankaia Ediciones will feature works by Jorge Rubio Pinedo, Eztizen La Cruz Arnaiz, Jorge Rubio Pinedo and Amparo Lozano Sancha. They will also be published on social media. In the coming weeks, the winner’s text will also appear in ARGIA magazine.
The jury composed of Amaia Apalauza Ollo, Aiora Jaka Irizar, Danele Sarriugarte Mochales, Elena Olave Duñabeitia, Eli Pagola Apezetxea, Iñaki Barcena Hinojal, Iñaki Petxarroman Gutiérrez, Lijenkozirigoa and Irigoña.
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There was no one or all. That we all suffer at least if the necessary changes are not made so that no one suffers the climate emergency. You – reader – I – Jenofá-, they – poor – and they – rich. The fires in Los Angeles did not give me satisfaction, but a sense of... [+]