Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Government acknowledges that there are "technical limitations" for the implementation of ETB3 throughout Navarre

  • The expansion of the autonomic multiple or the implantation of a second channel that offers children's programming in Basque throughout the territory should be generalized. Spain has warned the government that it is "technically impossible" to act as such.
ETB3-ren aldeko pankarta, 2017ko Sanferminetan Iruñean. Argazkia: Administrazio Euskaraz Taldea
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

21 May 2021 - 11:40

The Minister of Presidency, Equality, Public Service and Interior of the Government of Navarra, Javier Remírez, has acknowledged that there are technical "limits" in ETB 3, the Basque public television children's programming channel in Basque, so that it can be collected throughout Navarre and, more specifically, in Sakana and Baztan-Bidasoa. They are currently the only areas in Navarre where this channel cannot be tuned.

In reply to a question by EH Bildu at the plenary session of the Parliament of Navarra, Javier Remírez explained that on 10 November the Government of Navarra held a meeting with the Secretary of State for Telecommunications to address issues related to the organisation of audiovisual media services, inter alia, at the request of the foral Parliament.

The counselor explained that Navarra has an autonomous multiplex of DTT, which has four channels, as she indicated. Two of them are for Navarra Televisión and the other two for ETB1 and ETB2. In addition, ETB3 can be attuned to the DTT demarcations of Pamplona, Tudela, Estella, Tafalla and Sangüesa. "In order for it to extend to the whole territory, it is necessary to introduce a fifth channel into the multi-regional system, which is technically impossible, as the Secretary of State pointed out at that meeting. Another option is to give a second autonomic multiple for Navarre, but at the moment it is not on the table in the state," he said.

Javier Remírez has indicated that in the negotiations that the Government of Navarra has with EITB to renew the agreement between the two institutions, this matter is being studied "taking into account the existing limitations and the orographic problems, such as the northern extension of the demarcation of the DTT of Pamplona".

As explained by the counselor, ETB has established specific disconnections for Navarre in those times when television consumption by minors is higher and in which child programming is included. In addition, he explained that access to ETB3 can be done via the web or through custom-made television applications. "The government does everything it can to facilitate the capture of ETB 3 throughout the foral territory from a legal and technical point of view," he said.

For her part, EHBILDU parliamentarian Bakartxo Ruiz has stated that ETB 3 "can be tuned in the region of Pamplona, Estella, Tafalla, Sangüesa and Tudela, but not in Sakana and Baztan-Bidasoa, where zoning says that the area is Euskaldun, you cannot see where the highest percentage is." "A small step has been seen, but it is not guaranteed that ETB 3 in its entirety can be carried out in this territory," he said.

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