According to those responsible for collecting signatures, the chain in Euskera had a close relationship with ETB1 from a young age, emphasizing that programming in Euskera was competitive and also Euskaldun. However, they consider that the current situation is “totally different”, “the public service that met the wishes and needs of the Basques has not been able to maintain that connection”.
In his view, the current ETB1 hearing - 1.2% share in April - is "regrettable" and this has been attributed to the poor programming of the chain. “Few programmes are able to catch the attention of viewers, and many of them, stuck in immobilism, are still on television every week. Without success, just by filling a space and a space, without giving any importance to the content. Sometimes it seems that the management has put aside the wager on our chain.”
According to the proponents of the initiative, ETB1 is underway “symbolically”, “almost as a decoration”. This situation has been contrasted with the evolution of vasco-speakers: “VI. As indicated in the Socio-linguistic Survey (page 7 in particular), in 1991 people aged 16 to 24 accounted for 22.5% of the Basque population. Today this percentage has reached 55.4%”. Faced with this situation, they have warned of the need to strengthen platforms such as à la carte EITB: “It should be of great importance for the future, adding new and more varied content, assuming that today’s TV is seen on mobiles, computers and various devices. Innovate or die.”
The promoters of the collection of signatures calling for the renewal of the public chain in Euskera have also talked about the unfolding. The Basque doublers who meet in Bieus have been on strike for more than a year and a half, as year after year the dubbing in Basque of films, series and cartoons has been reduced, thus worsening the working conditions of the professionals in the sector, as we counted in this report
Citizens can adhere to this request for ETB1 change via the web
Mugimenduak mahai gainean jarri du euskarazko edukiak sustatzeko beharra, eta horren aurrean ETBk duen interes falta. Lehentasuna gaztelaniazko saioei ematea egotzi dio. ETB emozioen festa izan dadin, aldatu gidoia euskararen alde! lelopean, aldaketa eskatu dio telebista... [+]
The cuckoo lays its eggs in the nests of the petirreds. After laying, the cuckoo does not feed and grows to your puppy, as the robin takes care of it.
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Berrian lan egiten duen kazetariak, Euskal Telebistaz liburua idatzi berri du Txoria hodei artean, ETB lehen eta gero. Galdera batekin abiatzen du liburua kazetariak: 40 urte bete dituen Euskal Telebistak behar den gisan arrapostu ematen al dio euskal jendartearen egungo... [+]
The news I read a few weeks ago prompted me to address this issue: ETB3’s decision not to extend Ene Kantak’s children’s program at ETB3 surprised me and I still do not understand it, being an orderly and appropriate program.
I see very little television in recent years,... [+]