The institutional event on ETA’s disarmament was held at the Bayonne Theatre on 8 April 2017 and Bayonne will once again become the protagonist on the occasion of the anniversary of disarmament. On Friday morning, the radio broadcasted a special. Among others, Jean Rene Etxegarai, Anaiz Funosas and Agus Hernan have visited the studios in Bayonne. On the other hand, on Sunday the work The Truth of the Tree of the Koldobika Palace will premiere in Bayonne.
The Camino de Paz has organized a three-day conference in Biarritz, starting on Friday. The Basque Prisoners: It has been signed from the feasible to the necessary and will bring together the relatives of the victims of both ETA and GAL in a round table.
A “commitment” to peace
On the eve of the events organized by the Permanent Social Forum, David Pla, a member of the EPPK leadership and member of the ETA delegation for the Solution, interviewed in the newspaper Sud Ouest, where he confirmed that ETA will announce the conclusions of its internal debate before the summer. For its part, Pla reaffirms ETA’s “commitment” to the peace process and the DDR.
When asked about the victims, Pla said that the best contribution that can be made to them is “to overcome the conflict completely” and “to provide guarantees that it does not happen again.”
On the other hand, he denounces the position of the Government of the Spanish State, which does not intend to make a “movement” to bring the Basque prisoners closer.
Interviews on the right track
In the words of Mixel Berhokoirigoin of the Bakegil-Group, the meetings with officials of the French Ministry of Justice are on the right track. However, the Peacekeepers have called for a change in speed in the process. That is, if time is allowed to pass, the plight of the prisoners can be perpetuated. So there's some kind of urgency. The peacekeepers hope that the initiatives that are being carried out this weekend will further widen the path and bring about the situation of the prisoners.
Josu Urrutikoetxearen aurka bi auzi iragan behar dira aste huntan Pariseko auzitegi korrekzionalean. Biak ere ETA talde armatuko kide izateagatik dira, baina mementu desberdinetan.