Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The son of a councillor of the pp murdered by ETA to Married: "It's time for you to support your policy on more than our dead."

  • Mikel Iruretagoiena is the son of the councillor killed by ETA in Zarautz in 1998, according to the Ertzaintza report. On Saturday, pp paid tribute to José Ignacio Iruretagoiena at the Royal Palace. "Please leave my father alone! said your son.

11 January 2021 - 17:38
Larunbatean PPk omenaldia egin zion Iruretagoienari. Argazkia: EFE.

The tribute of the Basque pp took place in the cemetery of Zarautz, where a neighbour of Zarautz died. On the same day, the party president, Pablo Casado, wrote on his Twitter account: “The victims will always be in our memory and we regret that the Spanish Government pacts this week with those who have visited the terrorists and threaten to topple the regime.”

No one in the family in the tribute

Mikel Iruretagoiena responded to Casado using the same social network as last Sunday: “Mr. Casado, I am the child who appears in that photo. I would like to tell him that today your tribute to my father has been very nice. So nice, that no family member has been present on the spot. Continue to act in this way with the families of the victims, which will go very well for you. Stop living the victims, it is time for your policy to be based on more than on our dead. Leave my father alone, please!”


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