Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

And it came on a rainy, romantic, weeping Sunday.

Andrew Garfield, Donostian, larunbat goizean. Zinemaldia - Alex Abril

And that was Saturday and not Sunday. It was hard for him to clear up the day, because there were far fewer people on the street and there was no hurry. Some soon approached Kursaal and Victoria Eugenia Theatre, where they projected the closing movie of the night, We Live in Time, and projected the surprise film, which was released on Friday morning, in the second part of Joker.

We have seen the first, the closing. But some of those who have seen the film, starring Joaquín Phoenix and Lady Gaga, have said it's not very good. One or the other is bored, and the other is disappointed, believing that the discourse of disobedience has descended from the first to the second film. Neither did the screenwriter Jorge Gil Munarriz, the author of the film Marco, presented yesterday in the velódrome, listen very well to the criticism in Euskadi Irratia.

Well, we're not going to comment on what we haven't seen. Rebordinos has insisted that before criticising it is about the party and the party. So we go with We Live in Time (Momentua bizi, Euskaraz).

First of all. It’s not part of the soundtrack of the film, but if you want to put yourself on Johann Strauss I’s Blue Danube to get you stronger as you read the criticism. 314 waltz recognised.

We live in time

Almut (Florence Pugh) and Tobias (Andrew Garfield). They'll meet by chance. Destiny, you know. Tobias, sad, walks on foot in the dark in a very curious – and ridiculous – context. He will lean towards the road because something has fallen him ... And he'll be hit by a car. Your guide is the Almut. The woman will accompany you to the hospital. Tobias comes out healthy and safe and invites you to dinner. Then, the circumstances that are coming.

The film is quite romantic and some have found it a sponge, a frog. But it also has its drama, and not entirely told.

The film doesn't follow the linear line. So this scene isn't the first one we'll see. The prestigious Irish director John Cowley has alternated three periods: the first, when the partner was met; the second, when the relationship is stabilized, live together and detect Almuti ovarian cancer; and the third, a few years later, when Almut's cancer enters a third phase. The fight against cancer will, of course, determine the daily life and relationship of the family.

History has raw, sensitive, romantic and funny aspects. A lot of everything, in an hour movie and 47 minutes. Tobias is a fairy and Almut is a passionate person. Both fun, romantic, romanticism lovers in the background, but actually, looking at ideals, opposites. So, well, there are scenes that can be defined a little slow or incorporeal, tiny. But, in general, and for the fans of these kinds of films – in the background – the drama is well worked, and Cowley will take us from laughter to leap, from laughter to tears.

Romantic drama?

A journalist asks Cowley at a press conference why she's done a romantic drama. He bowed the eyebrows a little bit: “As a romantic drama you’ve called it... Maybe for someone it's more a movie about death and fear. For example, Casablanca, is it a romantic drama, necessarily, because in the midst of the disaster there is a loving relationship?”

What he found to be a tiny film has changed a little bit of mind, after the press conference. Both Cowley and Garfield – Pugh has not come to San Sebastian – have been wet. Garfield was thrilled to say: "Almute knows he's going to die, he's going to suffer, he's not going to see his daughter grow much more. And your career as a cook, which is getting better and better, to reach the elite, will have to end at the best time ... That's going to be like this, that you do what you do. Therefore, this decision to live life to the end and to the end is very strong.”

There is a phrase in the film that charges a great deal: either six months living at a height, or twelve months holding on with barely being able to get out of bed and with nausea.

Pugh and Garfield, Garfaithful and Pugh. The two have played a great role, a great job, which is sure to be welcomed around the world.

A tip from this critic: pay little attention to the poster or poster of the film. It looks very romantic and, in a way, deserved... As a subtitle, “every minute counts”… Well, the poster could make a gesture to the main plot, to cancer and to the fear of death. Because I don't think this film is a "romantic drama."

From 3 January, in theaters.

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