The Fundación Joven Orquesta de Euskal Herria about the birth of Beethoven 250.urteaurrena Ah perfido! And he's presented works by Egmont in Vitoria. The second of the works contains text and the actor Sagardoy was working as a narrator. As you have indicated, when the first parliament is over, a person has asked "when in Spanish? ". -He screamed among the crowd in Spanish. Then, the concert has followed as it has been so far.
In addition to publicizing the attack on social networks, he has carried out the following reflection: "The truth is that, before the cry, the soprano has sung in Italian 'Ah perfido!' And then, in German, Egmont. The concert has therefore been in three languages. Perhaps something else has made him more angry than not understanding Euskera. But I may be wrong.
However, the concert has proceeded with total normality and has announced that the band is already ready for the upcoming performances of the season. Then begins the tuit thread:
Today we have experienced an unpleasant moment in the concert we have offered at @theatos_vitoria. 'Ah perfido! ', by Beethoven And we have presented the works 'Egmont' with @EgoFundazioa. I haven't started playing the violin, the second piece has text, and I've done as a storyteller.
— Eneko Sagardoy (@esagardoy) January 3, 2021
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