Euskal Dantzarien Biltzarra underlined the need to invest in young people and organized the first Meeting of Young Dances of Euskal Herria for early summer in Asparrena from 30 June to 2 July. The meeting intends to be a fundamental tool to facilitate generational change, since, according to the organizers, there is no necessary interaction among young dancers. Dantzaris from the same age group will meet a weekend in Asparrena to reflect and discuss the issue.
"This event seeks the empowerment of young people, increasing their sense of identity. The young Dantzaris from all over Euskal Herria will enjoy traditional dances in a playful way, without the rigidity of the performances", they stress.
Registration before 24 March
Euskal Dantzarien Biltzarra invites 15-25 year-olds to participate in the meeting to be held from 30 June to 2 July in Asparrena. The registration period is already open on the portal
The day of reception of the groups will be on Friday, and Saturday will be the big day, as the dance halls, most of the places of reflection, and at night the pilgrimage will be opened.
The idea that we in the dance world often repeat is that dance is ephemeral. The Elhuyar dictionary gives as a counterpart to "ephemeral" English: ephemeral, destructive, perishable, ephemeral, ephemeral, perishable, perishable, ilaun. I don't remember who I first read that idea... [+]
Transmisioa eta dantza taldeetako erreleboa aztertu nahi izan dugu Dantzan Ikasi topaketetan, eta gazte belaunaldiek lan egiteko ereduak ezagutu nahi izan ditugu “Gazteen parte-hartzea euskal dantzan” mahai inguruan: Eder Niño Barakaldoko... [+]
Aste hondar honetan euskal dantzen hiriburu bilakatu da Hendaia. Akelarre dantza talde hendaiarraren 50. urtemugaren testuinguruan, Lapurdi, Baxe Nafarroa eta Xiberoako hamasei dantza talde elkartu ditu bertan Iparraldeko Dantzarien Biltzarrak.