Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Stibalitz Gereño died, founder and first champion of the Ikastola de Deusto

  • In 1963, 13 children began to receive classes in the dwelling of the Azaola and Gereño of Lehendakari Aguirre Street, with Professor Elixabete López de Gereño. In the following course, 1964-1965, his sister Estibalitz helped him teach and collected the witness in the formation process of the Ikastola de Deusto.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

11 November 2019 - 12:46
Estibalitz Lopez de Gereño Deustuko Ikastolaren 50. urteurrenean (2013). Argazkia: Deustuko Ikastola.

He was previously a professor at Iralabarri, at the clandestine ikastola in the Franciscan convent. After a complaint from an education inspector, he was closed in 1959 and a significant financial penalty was imposed on the participants. Stibalitz, for example, had to pay 10,000 pesetas and was detained for several days. In addition, his brother Sabino told us that the police had punctured their home phone.

As has been said, Gereño Agirre started teaching at Lehendakari's house in 1964, when he still had no master's degree. He was a commercial expert and later undertook teaching studies. The families of Azaola and Gereño have always been working on the consolidation and dissemination of the Basque culture, so they decided to launch the ikastola project at home.

At the end of the course, the visit was received from the Education Inspectorate, which requested legal regularization. As a result, during the same summer, family teachers and parents started looking for a place. The third year began in a small venue assigned by the parish of San Pedro and Estibalitz was the only Anderner and manager.

Stibalitz Agirre in the house of Lehendakaritza

Gradually, more and more students and teachers joined the project. In 1968, the children ' s school was set up and, at the request of the Assembly of Parents, the Director of German Pedagogy was appointed. At the same time, a group of fathers and mothers created a nursery in a place assigned by the parish of the Pasionists (San Felicisimo).

To carry out the legalization, contacts with the Educational Inspectorate were returned, as the documentation presented above was lost. The Ikastola de Deusto started the 1969 academic year with 150 students. The nursery remained in San Pedro by Miss Abaitua and in San Felicísima five classrooms were formed with professors Ozamiz, Jaio, Castresana, Beaskoetxea and Gerrikabeitia. Stibalitz did not move St. Felicisimo with them, as she made the decision to care for her parents and terminated her work as Miss.

So they spent several years looking for another building. They contacted the City Hall and after studying several routes, in September 1986 they moved to the current building. But the road wasn't easy. It should be noted that the City had to purchase the land and buildings, deliver them to the Basque Government, and the latter built a new centro.Las public institutions did not positively value the provision of a “private” entity of these premises, but finally accepted it because the law of access of the ikastolas to the public network was processed and the Ikastola de Deusto manifested its willingness to enter it.

Thus, after five years of contact with the institutions and overcome various difficulties, in September 1986 the Ikastola de Deusto moved to the current building, in an area of the remodeled factory Beltrán y Casado, S.A. In 1933 he had the opportunity to enter the public network and since then the Ikastola de Deusto is a public school. All of this is thanks, among other things, to Estibalitz's point.

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