A few hours after the arrest, the daughter received a phone call indicating that they had arrested her mother. However, they were not provided with any other information, either who carried out the arrest or why or where he was.
The husband of one of his daughters, Unai Otermin, has told ARGIA that when the daughters approached their mother's house, they found the mobile phone on the ground and cooked: “I was as if I had abandoned everything I was doing, as if it had disappeared. Detention has been absolutely surreal.” They called the Spanish police and didn't give them any information.
They went to the headquarters of the Spanish Police on Calle General Chinchilla de Pamplona to ask if he was there, but they did not confirm anything. However, her family members received her mother's medication. In the end, at sunset, the mother herself called her daughters a phone that lasted about fifteen seconds and informed them that she was detained and that by order of the Spanish National Audience they would take him to Madrid.
He is reportedly accused of “extorting terrorism” and detention may be due to some comment on social media. However, relatives have not yet confirmed it.
Otermin suhi has denounced that “this is a terrible violation of rights” and that it is incomprehensible how such a detention can occur in that way, when for an indictment of this kind there is no need for detention: “Estefanía’s freedom of opinion has also been violated.”
An information meeting will be held in Iturmendi at 19:00 on Wednesday.
Directa hedabidearen ikerketa batek ondorioztatu du 2018. eta 2020. urteen artean murgildu zela Kataluniako Palestinaren aldeko eta ezker independentistaren mugimenduetan, "Belén Hammad" izenaren pean. Nortasun agiri faltsu batekin Kataluniako Gobernuak... [+]