Eskisabel began the interview saying that the people of the Saturday demonstration are “an example of commitment to the normalization of the Basque Country”. Together with the quantity, the “diversity” of the population gathered stands out. This would imply that the concerns expressed by the Basque Country are “very shared” in society. “Joy,” explains Eskisabel, explaining that “strength and desire to continue working” are greater after Saturday.
The socio-political pact
At the end of the demonstration, the Council called for a socio-political pact. In the interview of Euskadi Irratia, Eskisabel reminded, in any case, that the need for this pact has been raised before the aggression in the face of the profound changes that are taking place in society in general, such as globalization or digitalization. He explains that our relationship with languages is changing, “especially among young people”, and that Euskera “as a minority language, is even more vulnerable”.
To achieve this pact, Eskisabel has recalled that the dynamic Batuz Aldatu, presented in 2021, is the main tool, “with the accession of 150 agents already”. Regarding the substance and the road, he points out that “a great task must be done to sewing consensus”. But he also pointed out that the values of social justice or equality must be at the centre, and that Batuz Aldatu has already agreed on two main objectives: “Universalization of knowledge and comfortable areas of use”.
The speaker asks the Secretary-General of the Council whether he has missed someone at the demonstration, citing the Government. Isabel takes away the importance of saying that the government has given its “reasons”. “It is more worrying that some political sectors in our country are not represented,” he said, citing the PSE and Ahal Dugu. “These days have been with us representatives of the Galician, Asturian, Catalan or Aragonese, and come with surprise that in their territories the positions of the PP and Vox have aspects that are located here on the left.” He explains that he has felt “the lack” of these sectors and that with them there is “work that needs to be done calmly and calmly”.
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.