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Spring of states in the Middle East?

11 April 2023 - 07:46
Last updated: 10:52
Txina eta Irango ordezkariak, 2021eko martxoan / Argazkia: Tasnim News Agency

You might say it started with a photo and it hasn't been more than a month. It began as forced if we had to interpret the photograph: it seemed comfortable and contented when the medium was alone. Therefore, 10 March saw no extraordinary future for the restoration of diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and China to marry.

But a month has passed and movements have multiplied on many sides, all in the same line. As if on top of the cardboard body figures of two men holding hands or sitting in front of each other, variable faces appear. When a third party has to appear in the middle, that's Chinese.

The politics and diplomacy of the Middle East have a minimal expression of how short there may be between the sword and the olive branch. However, it must be acknowledged that seeing Bashar al-Assad in the Emirates, or guessing that the war in Yemen is put an end date, as well as a few days inside, makes me stick to myself.

Are the conflicts so fortified and so bloody so quickly brought to the political table and, at least in part, resolved? If so, why has that not happened before? Or why now?

In view or in a silent manner, without denying China’s immediate interest in this pacification that appears in almost all cases in repairing or matrimonial work (first guaranteeing fuels and, in general, raw materials; then multiplying the usefulness of the yuan in fundamental economic operations), it is nevertheless appropriate to reflect further on the reason for this sudden flourishing. And try to understand the reasons for Saudi Arabia and its fellow travellers returning to life.

Economic war measures implemented by EE.UU may be suspected. Those who have been labelled for years as "vilú state", multiplied and converted into blockade plans, have begun to produce unforeseen side effects for Russia. It is not a scorn that the present of Russia can be the future of the house of Saudi (and the rest).

Of course, the muscular question is where and what can happen from now on. So far it seems hopeful, but surely not everything will be positive. Israel is not involved in this game and, despite the attempted marriage, peace in Palestine seems difficult. On the contrary, Netanyahu may think that the new context will bring him back to the age of 50 years ago.

Because it's not that new...

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