The member of the Egiari zor Foundation, Pilar Garaialde, today announced that they will promote "a new dynamic" so that those affected by human rights violations can be recognized as victims of State action.
They call on the Basque Government to extend the deadline provided for in Law 12/2016 on the recognition of victims of the State so that those who have not yet done so can process it.
The Foundation has challenged the Basque Government on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the death of Xabier Kalparsoro and Gurutze Iantzi in Urnieta. Garaialde explained that although the law was passed a long time ago, "there has been more closing time than opening time," he added.
In addition to opening the deadline for the submission of applications, Egiari Zor has asked the Government of Imanol Pradales to take further steps towards its implementation. Among other things, to develop the law itself so that reparation measures are equated with the other victims, and to mark on the calendar one day each year to remind victims of state violence.
"The Civil Guard carried us alive from Urnieta and at 24 hours the body was returned to us. Today it is 31 years old, the same as Gurutze. 31 years since the construction of an offending official version", Pilar Garaialde (Egiari Zor)
"There are thousands of human rights violations without official recognition - the member of the European Parliament's Debt warned - and that is a democratic anomaly that must be corrected immediately."
Garaialde has also referred to the specific case of Gurutze Iantzi, who is in the process of peace. He recalled that of the nineteen detainees in the same operation in which Iantzi was killed, all reported torture and it is clear that he also suffered "the same calvary as the others".
"The Civil Guard took him alive from Urnieta and at 24 hours he was returned to us dead. Today it is 31 years old, the same as Gurutze. 31 years since the construction of an offending official version," he said.
Geroa Baiko lehendakari eta Nafarroako lehendakariorde izandakoa enpresa bati 2,6 milioi euroko diru-laguntzak ustez modu irregularrean emateagatik zegoen auzipetuta, Davalor auzia deiturikoan. Nafarroako Probintzia Auzitegiak erabaki du auzia behin betiko artxibatzea, legalki... [+]
That was said to me by the former student, who took a long time to file a complaint that was in court months and who, on the recommendation of the psychologist, had withdrawn the complaint of rape. And I kept quiet, unable to guess what to tell the young man that he still had... [+]