U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blink said the United States has contributed EUR 102 billion and another EUR 158 billion of partners and allies. Experts and international organizations are concerned that aid to Ukraine is so large and, at the same time, believe that other important issues such as reducing global poverty are being neglected.
According to the New York Times, the Pentagon has already announced that it will send $725 million worth of weaponry to the Civil Guard. In the meantime, several experts have warned of the dangers of following the US arms supply to North Korea. For its part, the administration of US President Joe Biden continues to supply military weapons.
Donald Trump has been against giving military aid to Ukraine, considering that this is a "worsening" of the armed conflict. Trump has proposed that aid should be used as a negotiating instrument for an agreement against Russia and that it should ensure the end of the war.
Experts have warned that the weaponry sent to Ukraine may cause risks. As the conflict continues, speculation has arisen with the possibility of a wider war in Europe or of Russia occupying more territory. This raises questions about the consequences of military aid and the importance of the effort to achieve lasting peace. International leaders have agreed on the need to rethink resource priorities in order to prioritize peace and justice.
Etxe Zurian edukitako liskarraren ostean, eskainitako laguntza "konponbide batera bideratuta" dagoela ziurtatu nahi du Trumpek. Zelenskiren arabera, Kievek bizirauteko aukera gutxi izango lituzke AEBen laguntza militarrik gabe.
Hala iragarri du Keir Starmer Erresuma Batuko lehen ministroak Londresen eginiko goi bileran. Etxe Zurian Trumpek Zelenskiren aurka egin ostean, izandako eztabaidaren aurrean, Europako buruzagiek babesa adierazi diote Ukrainako presidenteari.
AEBek Ukrainako gerraren aurrean egindako jarrera aldaketaren barruan, “lur arraroak” deiturikoak negoziaziorako gai nagusi bilakatu dira Volodymyr Zelenskyren eta Donald Trumpen artean. Lehenak nahi du AEBek bere segurtasuna bermatu dezatela Errusiaren aurrean,... [+]
Jarritako kondenak barkatzearen truke, armadara batu da preso andana. Azken urtean, errekrutatze-legeak gogortu ditu gobernuak.
Palestinan genozidioa, Europan gerra eta potentzia nuklearren artean tentsioa. Ez daukagu berri on askorik emateko, baina bada bat, hondamendi orokorretik eratorria, aipatzea merezi duena: aldeko baldintzak sortzen ari dira kontrainformaziorako, informazio independenterako,... [+]
Road 20 January. U.S. President Donald Trump will be investigated on January 20. Democratic economic elites have repeatedly tried to put an end to Trump’s life. Will they achieve the target by 20 January? Furthermore, they intend to bring the war to a new, tougher phase. To do... [+]