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Amurrio will host "exploratory marches" from a feminist perspective to improve citizen security

  • The cooperative Col·lectiu will run several sessions on 1, 2 and 3 October to identify the physical and social elements that influence the perception of safety in public spaces.

02 October 2024 - 06:54

In order to analyze and improve the security of the municipality, the City of Amurrio has organized for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of October some "exploration marches". These rides are directed by Col·lectiu and are aimed at cis, trans and non-binary women. Its objective is to identify the physical and social elements that influence the perception of safety in public spaces. In addition, there will be a nursery service at the Casa de Cultura on 1 and 2 October.

On 1 October, Tuesday, the preparatory session will take place at 18:00 in the House of Culture. It will present the project and main concepts and the definition of the three itineraries that will be realized from the urban area of Amurrio.

On Wednesday, October 2, the workshop and diagnosis and the "exploratory marches" will be held. In the morning, they will perform a studio-diagnosis on urban safety with the 4th grade students of the ESO of Amaurre School. In the afternoon, two consecutive Exploration Marches will be held, in which the peripheral areas of the city centre will be analyzed. The first exit will be at 17:30 and the second at 19:30 from Plaza Juan de Urrutia.

On Thursday, October 3, the Exploration March will be held in the center of Amurrio, at 10:30 hours, from Juan de Urrutia Square. It is a march in the middle, aimed at people with limitations of usability or who prefer shorter routes.

Cooperativa Col·lectiu, from an intersectional feminist perspective

Col·lectiu is an interdisciplinary cooperative formed by architects, urban planners, sociologists and educators who work to rethink domestic, community and public spaces from an intersectional feminist perspective, from the urban realm, performing training and sensitization tasks.

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