The judge of the National Court Manuel García Castellón has imposed guarantees of 30,000 and 15,000 euros, respectively, as civil liability. According to the indictment of the case opened by the Civil Guard, Ros and Tomás were responsible for the production of explosives for the two devices. Nine persons of the CoR investigated in Operation Judes are charged with belonging to a terrorist organization, holding and holding explosives and conspiracy of the terrorist organization.
The judge has imposed precautionary measures on him such as weekly hearings in the court closest to his home, a ban on leaving the Spanish State and the withdrawal of a passport, among others.
Judge Manuel García Castellón has released the two accused of "altering public order" and has equated them with a "brutal Islam", considering that both have a house, a family, a job and a "consolidated social and family network".
The other five in December in freedom
The other five members of the CDRs detained and imprisoned for terrorism left Soto del Real prison last December. To them, the National Court imposed bonds of between 5,000 and 10,000 euros.
Merda de partits (alderdi nazkanteak) izeneko kanpaina abiatu dute CDR Errepublikaren Defentsarako Batzordeek, “herriaren borondatearen” aurka jarduten ari direla argudiatuz.
Independentzia prozesuaren kontrako epaiketa salatzeko, greba eguna egiten ari dira ostegun honetan Katalunian. Prozesu independentistari lotutako hirugarren greba orokorra da, CSC Intersindikalak deituta. Lehenengo orduetatik, hainbat errepide moztu dituzte CDRek, AP-7a eta... [+]
Terrorismoaren Biktimen Babeserako Zuzendaritza Orokorrak idatziz kontsultatu zion Estatu Segurtasunerako Idazkaritzari, ea 2018ko Aste Santuko itzulera operazioan ordainsariak altxatzeak eragin zien pertsonak erakunde terroristaren biktima gisa har zitezkeen ala ez. La... [+]
16 lagun atxilotu ditu Espainiako Poliziak aste honetan, 2017ko urriaren 1eko erreferendumaren urteurrenean egindako ekintzekin lotuta. Mobilizazioak eta protestak egin dituzte asteazkenean Gironan.
Kataluniarekiko “gatazka” bat dagoela onartu dio Sanchezek Torrari atzo egindako bileran. Negoziaziorako bidea ireki dute. Independentistek hainbat ekintza antolatu dituzte gaurko, Bartzelonan egingo den Ministroen Kontseilua arbuiatzeko.
Iragan otsailaren 23an, 1981eko Espainiako estatu kolpe saiakeraren urtemugan, Kataluniako Auzitegi Nagusiko sarrera sinbolikoki blokeatzeagatik atxilotu zituzten auzipetuak. Fiskaltzak bi urte eta erdi arteko kartzela zigorrak eskatzen dizkie.