Iñaki Abad and Aratz Urrizola are the young people of Alsasua who are least condemned. The former treasurer of the National Court has been sentenced to four years and two months in prison, and Urrizola has been sentenced to three years and six months in prison. They have left Zaballa prison at 11:30 a.m. this Friday, taking advantage of the third prison grade received on Wednesday. Family members and friends have received them at the time of their release from prison, but have confirmed that they have not received any welcome at the prison portal, or at Alsasua. On Monday they must return to Zaballa to serve the sentence.
The remaining five young people will remain in pre-trial detention for as long as they remain in the prison. From the platform Altsasuko Gurasoak have pointed out through the social network that “the situation of injustice suffered by young people is not yet altered”.
Giza Eskubideen Europako Auzitegiak ez du aintzat hartu Altsasuko gazteek epaiketa bidezkoa izan zuten aztertzeko eskakizuna. Auzipetutako gazteetako batek, Iñaki Abadek, eman du jakitera berria.