This measure has a duration of three weeks, although there is also the possibility of extending it. Instead of face-to-face visits, regular visits will be made to the speaker, including the crystal, and the Secretariat has explained that it is intended to expand video calls.
Aranjuez, Estremera, Valdemoro, Soto del Real, Zuera, Logroño… are other prisons that will suffer the cut of communications.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, many voices have criticized the conditions of prisoners and called for action in prisons to deal with the coronavirus. As has been done in other countries, they have called for the release of prisoners, especially the most vulnerable. But the Spanish Government has not, for the time being, pronounced on this matter.
Iragan urteko Frantziako Estatuko presondegien bilanak egoera gordina utzi du agerian. Dominique Simonnot txostenaren arduradunak azpimarratu du kartzelak jendez gainezka direla, beren edukieraren %200eraino batzuetan. Gain populakuntza horri lotzen dizkiete baldintza oker... [+]