Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Spanish Government now says that the management of prisons will be transferred to the Basque Government in March.

  • Last February, both institutions agreed on the timetable for transferring to the Basque Government the competences laid down in the Statute that the central government still controls. On the occasion of the pandemic, Madrid has postponed the timetable and according to the new proposal, among other things, the Basque Government would receive in March the management of prisons and in mid-2022 the management of Social Security.

16 October 2020 - 15:41

If the timetable is met, the management of the prisons in Zaballa, Basauri and Martutene will be carried out by the Basque Government as from March 2021. The prison policy, however, will remain in the hands of the Ministry of the Interior of the Government of Spain. A further 11 subjects would be transferred in March: insurance, private security services, meteorology, agricultural insurance, road transport, protection of film funds, market for fishery and crop products, tourism paradores, ISBN and ISSN and coastal management.

A second set of competences would be transferred in October 2021, including the management of airports and ports of general interest (Pasaia and Bilbao).

Historical claim

Finally, a third transfer would take place in 2022, which would include the management of Social Security, a long-standing claim. The Basque Government has been pleased with the timetable approved by the Basque Executive.

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