On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution, Udalbiltza presented an exhibition in which he denounced the "lies" contained in the constitutional text and their influence on stateless nations.
Ahotsa.info Intxauspe and Perales have argued that “there is nothing to celebrate” and that peoples like Euskal Herria, Catalonia or similar need a “proper” constitution.
The mayor of Pamplona, Joseba Asiron, has underlined the importance of presenting the exhibition in the town, as it is a place where there has been a “harsher” territorial conflict since the sixteenth century. Furthermore, it regretted that the Spanish Constitution "does not recognise" the rights of peoples and "there are more and more attacks" against the autonomous communities. He has also published an exhibition and a video about its meaning Ahotsak.info.
From 19 to 21 October, Hernani held a conference of sovereignty to learn, share and reflect on “transformative experiences”. The talks and activities have been carried out through the citizens' initiative Hernani Burujab, but have also been promoted by the City Hall of... [+]
Herri eta bailara ugari basamortu bihurtzen ari da Euskal Herrian. Lan eta zerbitzurik gabe, egungo merkatuak bazterturiko eremuotan nola bizi? Egoera hori irauli nahi du Udalbiltzak, eta horretarako, logika lehiakorretik at, pertsonak erdigunean jartzen dituen ekonomia... [+]
Igandean goizeko bostetan eskoletako ateetan egon behar dela diote batean eta bestean, behin eta berriz, hori da mezu nagusia nonahi Bartzelonan. Seietan Mossoak joango ei dira eskolak hustera.