After the bullfight of 14 July, the charanges of the Pamplona peñas were concentrated in the center of the plaza and began to celebrate the greeting of the sanfermines, with all its members in the stands. However, the members of the rock Mutilzarra, who have not participated in the event, displayed their banner in front of the stands. Then there was tension and Mutilzarra's member denounced insults and blows. In fact, the complainant saw a man wearing a shirt from the Peña Sanduzelai. The National Police requested the address of San Jorge the names of all the members, the ID and the contact phones to identify the alleged aggressor. However, this person appeared on her own before the victim, asking for forgiveness… so she was identified. In spite of this, he continued to request data from all members of the Sanuzelai National Police Club. Alazne Juárez is the president of the rock: "What we want to know is why and why they wanted our data, where they are now. If the person was identified, why did they still request data from all the partners? It wasn't just asking, pushing, threatening ... Why all this?"
It's been very complicated months for the direction of the Sanduzelai Rock, "We were two months back with this every day, the police were several times in the rock, appeals, messages...two very bad months." Peña Sanduzelai is going to ask for explanations from the government delegate for this action by the Spanish police. The Federation of Peñas has also denounced the political report on peñas, drawn up by the Spanish police to attribute a hate crime in the process.
Gasteizko Auzitegiko laugarren aretoak ebatzi du Gasteizko isunak bertan behera uztea, eta Bilboko isun batzuk 2.500 eurotik 1.800era murriztea, "gehiegikeria" egon zela argudiatuta. Ernairen arabera, Segurtasun Sailak "arbitrariotasunez" eta... [+]
Born 2 October 1968. A few months earlier, the student movement started on June 22 organized a rally in the Plaza de las Tres Cultura, in the Nonoalco-Tlatelolco unit of the city. The students gathered by the Mexican army and the paramilitary group Olympia Battalion were... [+]
We Basques know that the State apparatus is prepared to take advantage of repressive forces of all colours and repressive mechanisms in all forms, in order to maintain social order within a system based on domination, even if to do so they have to infringe a law created to their... [+]
Aroztegia proiektuaren kontrako protesta baketsuetan parte hartzeagatik ezarritako zigorrari aurre egiteko diru-bilketa abiaraziko dutela iragarri du herri kolektiboak.
Fuerteventura (Canary Islands), 11 February 1954. The Agricultural Colony of Tefia was launched at the abandoned airport of the island, in the middle of the desert. After the euphemism of the agricultural colony, in practice, Tefia was a concentration camp known mainly for the... [+]