The attack took place on Capellans Street in Barcelona. The attacker identified Jordi Borrás and approached him shouting “Viva España” and “Viva Franco”. Then he hit her in the face and broke her nose. Immediately, the neighbors who were witnesses tried to stop the attacker, but he responded by taking out a plaque that it was the Spanish National Police. According to El País, the Spanish National Police has confirmed that the aggressor is their partner.
It has been reported that Borràs was stunned but did not pass out. The Mossos d’Esquadra have opened the investigation to explain what happened and are looking for the aggressor thanks to photos and videos of witnesses. When the assailant escaped, a knife fell out of his pocket.
Borràs has worked on Catalan Españolism, the most popular Plus Ultra. In it he makes the connection between the Unionists and the Ulta-Rightists through photographs. Jordi Borràs is a collaborator of LUZ and takes his own photographs of Catalonia.
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