This morning the sixth meeting was held between the President of the Government of Spain, Sánchez, and the presidents of the autonomous communities. According to URL0, Sánchez has transferred to the regional representatives that the government is following the recommendations of the Scientific Committee. At this time, he said that the important thing is primary health care, "to strengthen the diagnosis, monitoring and surveillance of all cases, even milder ones", and he has called for commitment to the other presidents to reinforce this care.
Sánchez has given several keys to alleviating the lockdown that will begin on 10 May: the identification of positive cases in primary care, their isolation and close monitoring and the location of the infected are the priorities, as well as the follow-up of the contacts they have had.
Lightening according to health capacity
Sánchez explained on Saturday that the deescalation procedure will be progressive and uneven by areas, which do not have to coincide with the regional and provincial limits. Today he said that the decisive factor in deciding on the procedure will not be the number of infections, but the health capacity of each area. He has asked the autonomic presidents for "political commitment" to strengthen primary care.
The President of the Spanish Government has asked the autonomous communities to provide the data in the form and with the rigor requested by the Ministry of Health, warning that some are not being done. It has also called for unity in the field of education, after Murcia, Madrid and the CAV have said that they will not comply with what the Spanish Government said.
Urkullu and Chivite
Iñigo Urkullu and Quim Torra have asked at this Sunday’s meeting that each autonomous community decide on the process to end the lockdown. Sánchez has responded that his desire is to "share" the steps with the autonomous communities, but has made it clear that the decision will be made by the Spanish Ministry of Health. The President of Navarra, María Chivite, has not made any such request.
At the end of the meeting, the lehendakaris of the CAV and Navarra made statements to the media. Press conference of María Chivite. "From prudence," he said that Navarre is "prepared" to face the transition, but to do so, strict planning will have to be carried out. The lehendakari of Navarra joined the position of the Spanish Government after the vote. It has argued that the de-escalation process should be carried out "with the help of the autonomous communities" and taking into account the reality of each. It has argued that from 27 April children should be able to leave their homes and that the rules for the practice of sport should be established on an individual basis. In these last two points, Urkullu and Chivite have coincided in the first meeting that has been held in the Basque Country.
In addition, Urkullu has proposed the progressive opening of small businesses and businesses with "strict security measures and short distances between people".The Lehendakari of the CAV has stated on Twitter that in society "a civic culture of prevention and self-protection has been consolidated" and explained to Sánchez. Proof of this is that “this week has returned to productive activity normally and almost without problems”, which according to lehendakari “has been achieved thanks to the model of agreement and collaboration of each company”. Urkullu has modelled Germany and has defended the principle of subsidiarity: “I have underlined coordination and co-responsibility to make a process of transition to a new normalcy that respects the competences and socio-economic realities of each community.”