The law imposes a number of obligations on television and platforms, such as the establishment of quotas for co-official languages and the use of a percentage of revenue for work carried out in such languages. Although some platforms have increased the number of contents folded and subdivided into Euskera, according to the agents, some current articles are not being complied with. In fact, they note that it is for the Spanish Government and RTVE to also respect these minimum measures provided for by law.
In particular, there are three paragraphs in force which, according to the associations, remain unfulfilled at the time. On the one hand, RTVE must ensure that the contents of child chains and their catalogues are offered in duplicate to the official languages of the autonomous communities: Basque, Galician and Catalan. Moreover, streaming platforms should include language versions already duplicated or subtitled to official languages. Finally, these platforms should highlight audiovisual content produced, duplicated or subtitled in the official languages. In addition to these provisions, "linear and demand televisions are not complying with the articles to ensure the audiovisual accessibility of people with disabilities in their official language", the Council said.
There has been increased concern among agents over the results of a study known during these months. UEMA has analyzed the audiovisual consumption habits of the children of their municipalities, and one of the conclusions is that Clan TV is the channel that children of primary school see the most. On the other hand, the Council says that streaming platforms focus on the "excuse for technical feasibility" in order not to offer duplicate versions.
The Council has asked the Spanish Government, RTVE, the Basque Government, EITB and streaming platforms to comply with the law. Moreover, to enable the expansion of the presence of Euskera in the audiovisual media, and therefore, to ensure the "visibility and accessibility of the language" in a strategic area for the normalization of Euskera, they considered it necessary that Euskera be the priority language in the Bikain platform created by the Basque Government through EITB, and offer content in Euskera of quality.
When: 21 December.
Where: Bilbao in the Arena.
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