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Congress approves the amendment of the Spanish Law of Education

  • The Spanish State will soon have a new Education Act if the Senate, as expected, gives the green light: Following the repeal of the LOMCE of pp in 2013, Congress approved this Thursday with a narrow majority the project presented by Isabel Celaá. Among the most notable changes, Spanish will cease to be a compulsory language of communication within the educational system.

20 November 2020 - 06:43
Isabel Zelaa Hezkuntza ministro espainiarra Madrilgo Kongresuan azaroaren 19an. (Argazkia: Europa Press)

It will also be called Celaá Law, which has been its main driving force by Socialist Minister Isabel À, although officially called LOMLOE, which will replace the LOMCE that has been in force since 2013. In order to move forward, he had the votes of PSOE, Unidas Podemos, ERC, PNV and Mas País, Equo, Nueva Canarias and Compromís. They voted against pp, Citizens, VOX, UPN, Coalition Canaria, PRC and Foro Asturias and abstained EH Bildu, Junts per Catalunya, BNG, Teruel Hay and the Cup.

It will bring some significant changes to the educational centers of the Spanish state. Religion will no longer be a pending subject and those who do not want to study will no longer have to choose additional subjects; the right and left have long fought around this issue. On the other hand, in the autonomous communities with their own language, Castilian ceases to be a compulsory communication language in educational centers and Madrid sets half, no more.

From now on, the young people who come to Bachillerato will have four rather than three models: science and technology, human and social sciences and art, they will also be offered what is now called "general", with themes of science and letters. More public spaces will be created for the education of children from 0 to 3 years old. In the case of concerted centres, the public institutions shall not grant public land and shall not receive public aid in the case of distribution by sex of the students.

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Are we about to do that?

As you will recall, last spring members of the Platform Aulas de la Experiencia Euskaraz Ere Bai gave a message that citizenship can also carry out in Basque the courses organized by the Experience Class of the University of the Basque Country.

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2024-09-11 | Tere Maldonado
Open letter to the Education Counsellor (and II)

Dear Mrs:

How about summer? I hope. On this occasion, I will go to the point, with your permission.

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Jump to school also needs adaptation
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2024-09-09 |
Education Unions Present Call for Strike for September 26 in Navarre
The public education unions of the Foral Community of Navarra (STEILAS, ANPE, AFAPNA, LAB, CCOO, ELA and UGT) have presented in the register of the Department of Education the call for a strike for Thursday 26 September 2024.

2024-09-06 | Euskal Irratiak
SEASKA will exceed the range of 4,300 students this course

The SEASKA federation has been able to enter the programme with a hundred more students than last year. With two-year-olds joining in the coming months, the limit of 4,300 pupils will be exceeded. In the first year, the increase is 33 students, but the most outstanding is the... [+]

Reception Rooms for Newcomers

Among many falls, there are also achievements. A young mother of about 35 years old asked me the other day how they could get in their school that the classmates who had not received Euskera at home learn and speak as well as the boys and girls who were Euskaldunes at home. In... [+]

Forestry school with children with mobility problems: overcoming fears and limits
Two 5-year-old students with difficulty moving and walking have enjoyed a weekly forestry school session at Irun School: the challenge started between borders and fears has had great benefits, development and learning. "They are very protected students and it has helped them a... [+]

Parental use of screens is directly related to children's relationship with screens
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The Basque Government announces a process of debate on the use of mobile phones in classrooms
The Basque Government Education Counselor has encouraged teachers to use artificial intelligence at school so that they are not afraid of digital transformation. He has also announced a process of reflection on mobile use in the classroom: “There is no clear evidence on the... [+]

2024-09-03 | Euskal Irratiak
Iparraldeko eskola publikoen %60 elebiduna izanen da ikasturte honetan

Ikasturte honetan, lehen mailako ehun eskola elebidunetan 5.700 ikaslek ikasiko dute. Bigarren mailan hamasei kolegio eta lau lizeotan 1.600 dira. Zailtasun nagusia aurten ere kolegioan euskararen eta frantsesaren arteko oren parekotasuna erdiestea da.

The instrument of freedom

We all know that freedom is a difficult, multi-margin concept, difficult to define in words. We often define it immensely, with being able to decide without constraints, without consequences or without taking responsibility for the actions. But since there is nothing without... [+]

Suspended in asbestos
With the month of September comes the beginning of the new course and thousands of children and adolescents will return to schools, some happy, others not so much, but all with their exams and lessons in the backpack. The same could be expected from the Basque administration,... [+]

Why are we not able to keep attention?
80% of workers do not last for an hour without losing their attention and 20% are distracted every ten minutes. The lack of concentration is not only the fault of mobiles and the multitude of technological stimuli, but also of food, pollution and the basis of our lifestyle.

37% of new pupils in public children's schools in Pamplona are vulnerable socio-economic families
All applicants for a place have been admitted thanks to the new admission system and the free cycle. There will be 297 children from families with incomes below EUR 12,000.

Major energy companies conceal 47% of biodiversity damage, according to an UPV/EHU study
Major energy companies use "image laundering" strategies. The doctoral student of the UPV/EHU Goizeder Blanco, who has participated in the research, has highlighted the positive actions and concluded that they "plug" the negative impact.

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