With the support of the PSOE and Ciudadanos, the Spanish government has decided to maintain Article 155 in Catalonia, arguing that the Catalan president, Quim Torra, has elected members both in prison and in exile to the positions of counselor. The PNV has been repeating for months that it will not approve the Spanish budgets during the validity of Article 155, but the doubt remains.
In fact, after pointing out in the note issued by the Euzkadi Head Assembly on Monday that there may be time to deactivate Article 155 and stressing the importance of approving the PP budgets, doubts have been raised.
Commenting on the importance of budget approval, the nationalists have focused on pensions and the “Basque agenda”. In this Basque agenda there is a monetary item that will be invested in the infrastructures of Gipuzkoa, Álava, Bizkaia and Navarre.
Pedro Sanchez Espainiako Gobernuko presidente berriak bere ibilaldia hasi du Mariano Rajoyk ezarritako Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorrek lotuta. Uda ondorenean, baina, 2019koak aurkeztu beharko ditu. Horregatik, komeni da duela hilabete aurkeztu zituen bere plan alternatiboak... [+]
Katalunian Gobernua osatzen denean, iaz egin bezala, EAJk Espainiako Aurrekontuak aurrera aterako dituela uste du Espainiako Ekonomia Ministroak.
EAJk ohartarazi dio Rajoyri ez dutela aurrekontuez hitz egingo 155. artikuluak indarrean jarraitzen duen bitartean. Abenduaren 21eko hauteskundeen ondoren utzi liezaioke Espainiako Gobernuak artikulua aplikatzeari.
Aurrekontuak mahai gainean daude, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan eta Espainiako Estatuan. 155. artikuluaren aplikazioak eta oro har, Kataluniako prozesuak aurrekontuen afera baldintzatu du.