They argue that the decision has been made “out of responsibility”: "Putting the interests of the citizens of the Basque Country above the interests of the PNV, and convinced that it is this decision that will most effectively lead to the repeal of Article 155 in Catalonia".
The PNV has been repeating for months that it will not approve the Spanish budgets during the validity of Article 155, but since it was discovered that the government of the PP would maintain the 155th, there have been doubts.
"The Principle of Responsibility"
The situation has changed in the last few days: "The Generalitat de Catalunya already has a legitimate President, elected by the absolute majority of the Parliament, and the imposition of Article 155 is very close." Faced with this scenario, the nationalists have proclaimed the "principle of responsibility" and justified it in five main arguments:
Pedro Sanchez Espainiako Gobernuko presidente berriak bere ibilaldia hasi du Mariano Rajoyk ezarritako Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorrek lotuta. Uda ondorenean, baina, 2019koak aurkeztu beharko ditu. Horregatik, komeni da duela hilabete aurkeztu zituen bere plan alternatiboak... [+]
EAJk jakinarazi du ez duela Espainiako Estatuko Aurrekontu Orokorren osoko zuzenketarik aurkeztuko. EH Bilduk, bestalde, osoko zuzenketa aurkeztu du, esanez desberdintasun soziala “betikotzen” duela.
Katalunian Gobernua osatzen denean, iaz egin bezala, EAJk Espainiako Aurrekontuak aurrera aterako dituela uste du Espainiako Ekonomia Ministroak.
EAJk ohartarazi dio Rajoyri ez dutela aurrekontuez hitz egingo 155. artikuluak indarrean jarraitzen duen bitartean. Abenduaren 21eko hauteskundeen ondoren utzi liezaioke Espainiako Gobernuak artikulua aplikatzeari.
Aurrekontuak mahai gainean daude, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan eta Espainiako Estatuan. 155. artikuluaren aplikazioak eta oro har, Kataluniako prozesuak aurrekontuen afera baldintzatu du.