Aitor Esteban, spokesman for the PNV congress, announced on Monday that the Ministry of Ecological Transition of the Government of Spain has unblocked the sale of the land of the barracks of Loyola, after being frozen since it was agreed with the City Council of San Sebastián in October 2023. As a result, the city will pay 73.3 million euros to build 1,750 homes there.
At the end of May 2024, the General Directorate of the Guipúzcoa Coastline appealed to the project, stating that the buildings should be made at least 100 meters from the Urumea River. In the end, Madrid has complied with the allegations of the City Council of San Sebastián, which will be able to build houses at least twenty meters from the river.
Announcing the news, Esteban took Monday as an "important day" and pointed out that the work of the Mayor of the City of San Sebastian, Eneko Goia, "for many years" led to the solution of "one of the most serious problems" in San Sebastian. For its part, the High Court considers the agreement reached between the Spanish Government and the City Council to be "encouraging" and has announced that it will reactivate the agreement that has been blocked so far "as soon as possible".
One less obstacle
With the completion of the sale of the Loyola barracks, the urban planning plan proposed by the City Council of San Sebastián for the coming years has rejected the biggest obstacle that faced it. Likewise, the Auditz Acular project, which aims to launch in the Altza district of the city, is still at a standstill, with the aim of constructing around 3,000 homes under this plan.
WHEN: February 2nd.
IN WHICH: In the youth center of Zuia, Murguía.
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