The interview, published by the newspaper ABC, took place on December 22, 1994 during the joint breakfast between the newly resigned minister of the Interior, Antoni Asunción, who left office seven months earlier, and the director of the intelligence service, Emilio Alonso Manglano. Both are now dead. In a two-hour interview, Asunción reports the Department of Interior that it received, and one of the names it most mentions is José Luis Corcuera, formerly Interior Minister of the Basque Government. Some of the passages published by ABC are:
Asunción: I know that Corcuera has things, that postman who died and who exploded the bomb.
Manglano: That's known to very few people, right?
Asunción: Few. This group worked well at that level.
Manglano: What happens is that, of course, you should not take it into account... and, even if you become aware, defend the State, defend the institution, but... Fuck it!
Asunción: These letters were yours and when a postman folded the package to enter the mailbox, it broke out and died.
ABC has indicated that he contacted José Luis Corcuera yesterday and he refused everything: "It is not possible, I have nothing to do with this type of issue" (...) "I do not know an apex that no state institution would send letters" (...) "He who sent letters was ETA, me too. As far as I know, I have no memory of those letters. I remember a postman who suffered the explosion, but that act was like those other letters sent by ETA."
José Antonio Cardosa was a young man with a temporary contract with Correos. At 14:25 he went to Calle Juan Olazabal de Orereta to deposit in the mailbox a letter to Ildefonso Salazar Uriarte de Herri Batasuna. But because the package was bigger than usual, it didn't fit in the mailbox and had folded in, it broke into pieces.
Cardosa was officially declared a victim of terrorism by the Spanish Department of the Interior: his family received compensation and his name is on the official lists, but the authorship of the attack has never been recognized. The case was in the hands of Judge Baltasar Garzón, who in 2000 was suspended for lack of evidence and denial of evidence.
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